Tony Guerra + Aaron Sevilla / Sunset Gathering Aniversario

Patio Roma, Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México
Ages 18+
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Early Bird
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VIP 2da Fase
Mex$800 (excl. fees)
2da Fase
Mex$400 (excl. fees)

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Pulse Wave & Cencalli presentan:
Tony Guerra
Sunset Gathering Aniversario #2


Tony Guerra is an artist whose drive, talent and intuition have earned him many awards and nominations. Constantly evolving, Tony is in a forward-thinking class of his own, in which creativity and incessant search for new ways of expression are some of its main constants and sound virtues.

Born and raised in Venezuela, Tony Guerra spent years crafting his art and during this time his work has been recognized in his own country, Latin America, the United States and Europe. With a career around over a decade, Tony has enjoyed success and recognition in the commercial domain, and since 2017 Tony was awarded numerous Pepsi Music Awards, one of the highest honors achievable in the music field, in multiple categories and different years, winning in 2017 Electric House / Techno Music Album of the Year, and later in 2019 awarded with the Electronic House / Techno Music Artist of the Year and Electronic House / Techno 

Music Theme of that same year.



Early Bird: 200
1er fase 300
2da Fase: 400
Dia del evento:
600 de 1pm a 6pm
800 6 pm a cierre


Vip 1er Fase 600
Vip 2da Fase 800
  1. Nadia M
  2. Luis José M