Northern Bass 23/24 - Bus Tickets

Sales for this event are closed.
Let someone else do the driving for you!
All tickets are return tickets - just choose your departure date and then select your trips on the next screen!
To buy a bus ticket you must have a current Northern Bass 23/24 event ticket.
You will need to be logged in to the account you used to purchase your Northern Bass 23/24 event tickets, and only then will you be able to buy your bus tickets.
This shuttle runs non stop between Mangawhai and NB - choose one ticket per day. Shuttle tickets are available to purchase at any time.
Bus Stop 1:
Mangawhai Club at Mangawahi Heads - address is Mangawhai Club, Molesworth Drive, Mangawhai
Bus Stop 2:
The Mangawhai Hall - 45 Moir Street
Shuttle Times
Dec 29:
To NB from 12.00 until 21.00
Leaves NB from 21.30 until 02.00
Dec 30:
To NB from 10.00 until 23.00
Leaves NB from 23.30 until 04.30
Dec 31:
To NB from 10.00 until 23.00
Leaves NB from 23.30 until 05.30
PLEASE NOTE: These tickets are only available until midday the day prior. This means that tickets for the 29th will close at 12pm on the 28th.
Auckland Bus Stop:
120 Quay Street, Auckland CBD
Warkworth Bus Stop:
Warkworth Information Centre
Wellsford Bus Stop:
Wellsford Community Centre
Kaiwaka Bus Stop:
Kaiwaka Community Centre (4 Kaiwaka Mangawhai Road)
Matakana Bus Stop:
Matakana Primary School Bus Bay
Omaha Bus Stop:
AT Stop - corner of Mieklejohn Way and Omaha Drive
PLEASE NOTE: These tickets are only available until midday the day prior. This means that tickets for the 29th will close at 12pm on the 28th.
Whangarei Bus Stop:
Rose St Bus Terminal
Ruakaka + Uretiti Bus Stops:
Ruakaka Shopping Centre + Uretiti Camp Ground
Waipu Bus Stop:
Waipu Monument
Waipu Cove Bus Stop:
Waipu Cove General Store
Langs Beach Bus Stop:
Opposite 1208 Cove Road
- Each ticket is per person. The shuttle passes are only valid for the day they are booked, and you must catch the other busses at the time you have booked
- All times are approx and subject to change
- The bus services will only stop at the places listed above. There are thousands of people using this service and we can't arrange custom stops.
- You NEED to catch the service you book - your tickets are only valid for that service.
- We will be scanning all tickets before you enter the bus.
- Intoxicated people will be refused entry. Alcohol is not allowed on the busses and will be confiscated.
- You must have a valid NB ticket to use the bus service.
- .If you do not have a shuttle bus ticket and need a way to get home, and if there is a space on the service, you may be able to buy a ticket at the gate using Wayver. All other buses need to be prebooked.