I N D I C A Indica returns to Playa del Carmen to one of the most prestigious clubs in town, and we present a special guest who will leave you speechless with his show, which is one of the most requested in the underground scene today; After passing through Burning Man, he will be doing a tour of Mexico, appearing in the best clubs in the country; The Ukranian who is positioned on the charts with his latest productions, arrives at Speakeasy as a stop on his tour of the Mexican Caribbean
THE ORGANISM (Diynamic, Organic Tunes - UKR)
Dress Code: Color Full Smoking Terrace Area VOID Sound System 18+ Limited Capacity
VERY IMPORTAN The GPS location shown by this APP is not correct: The correct location is: 5th Av, between streets 4st and 6st, closer to 6st. In a hallway in the almost in the middle of the block Contact us if you have questions
More Info: +529842041622 +52 9841439991 (Whatsapp)