Boomtown Halloween - 01.11.19 - SOLD OUT

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Welcome to our brand new venue!! ✨ ✨
We are returning to where it all began for us 11 years ago, with a brand new, permanent events space in Bristol.
Launching this Halloween, on Saturday 2nd November, we invite you to explore the deserted industrial quadrant of AREA 404: an overgrown immersive, dystopia filled with lost souls for a nighttime festival experience beyond the living world…
The warren like complex will house five rooms, all permeating with the sounds that radiate from Boomtown’s very core… The main room will feature high energy live music , similar to those who’ve soundtracked the festival’s mainstages for the past decade, with the medium and smaller rooms hosting a perfect spectrum of reggae, techno, house, dnb and disco. This is a true celebration of our collective Boomtown spirit to bring everyone together in a huge melting pot of musical styles, theatrical exploration and creative endeavour.
We are so pleased to be able to finally announce this venue, it feels like a proper homecoming for us and we're unbelievably excited to be able to showcase everything we’ve grown into since we started putting on gigs in Bristol over a decade ago. To be able to bring our unique mix of interactive and immersive theatre, the beautifully hand crafted intricate set designs and to represent a huge amount of music genres all under one roof, is going to be something incredibly special!