Track and trace will be required at the venue or through your online ticket.
If you or someone in your house hold feels unwell. Please do not come.
Rules will apply depending on government regulations (feel free to ware a funky face mask or just techno black)
<< Ticket Refunds or Swaps >> Please only do this through the ticket fairy. The promoter is not liable for your loss to scammers. Full refund or date swap will be covered (except booking fees as they are ticket fairy's we will chat to them and see what the deal is regarding refund if covid strikes)
<< Support >> Just remember that the event and hospitality industry is going through a really on and off time. So please if you do support your feet dancing to great music and good times. Then do support the people and places that give you these.
<< Live Stream >> Silent Studios will be broadcasting LIVE. If you have any objections to this then please do not come. We aim to create a professional environment that our friends can dance with us around NZ and the world.
<< Sharing and Donations >> Share the link if you like, donate some money to help pay for the broadcast and most importantly be yourself and have fun. $5 from every ticket will be donated to Shipwrecked Festival.